Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Finding Balance with St. Therese

Today is the Feast of St. Therese of Lisieux.  Her life, her dedication to loving Jesus, her approach to living - doing all things, especially the small ones, with great love - is an amazing example to reflect upon.  My struggle lately has been finding the right balance.

The balance of household responsibilities and prayer.  She reminds me that the two are not mutually exclusive.  I need to remember more often, in the midst of these responsibilities, to add a prayer.  To dedicate the action to Jesus.  To ask Him to sanctify my work.  To continuously look toward heaven...

The balance of loving discipline, redirection, and playful interaction with my kids.  I am failing at this.  Every. Day.  There are so many bad habits of behavior and reaction that have manifested from my struggle with post-partum depression.  While that is under control, the "habit" of my behavior and reaction to the kids misbehavior is still not ideal.  St. Therese, however, reminds me the way back to the Mom I want to be and who God calls me to be is surrender.  Surrender to the Divine Will of God and His desire for my life.  Surrender to my children - for it is my calling and vocation to raise them to be daughters of Christ.  To love Him with their whole hearts, to know Him with their whole minds, and to serve Him with their entire will.

Finally, the balance of my imperfect human-ness with the daughter of Christ God wants me to be.  It is so easy to blame my failures at living the holy life I know God wants for me on my imperfections.  It is so easy to put off training my will until tomorrow... the classic, "I'll start tomorrow"... but tomorrow never comes!  St. Therese reminds me that God does not call me to mediocrity.  He call me to greatness (in Him, not in and of myself);  He calls me to great holiness;  and most importantly, He call me to great love.  He calls me to be on fire with love for Him.  I do not want to be just lukewarm... For as He tells us, "So, because you are lukewarm, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth." Revelation 3:16

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