Monday, May 14, 2012

Favorite Quotes...

Some of my favorites from the past couple of weeks...

My sister-in-law ... "You might call it a couch, but I call it a giant clothes basket capable of holding several days worth of clean, unfolded laundry for a family of eight." ... posted on her FB page a couple of weeks ago.  This describes the current (and perpetual) state of my laundry situation (albeit for 5 instead of 8).

Carl to my Mom when she came up to visit... "If Megan weren't my daughter, I don't know if I'd like her very much." ... in regards to how loud she is... (sidenote, I don't think she's all that loud... just a typical, talkative two!)

Megan: "Mommy, where's [x, y, z, ...]"
Me: "It's ..." (where ever "it" is)
Megan: "Oh, that's riggghhhhttt!"
Repeat above sequence about 15 times per day

And completely unrelated... a picture from our Mother's day BBQ and birthday party yesterday...

1 comment :

Kortni said...

Love the laundry comment. I think all moms can so relate!